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Iveco-Magirus offroad 330/32 with 6x6 drive

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Hello everyone
This is my latest model.

It’s an Iveco-Magirus offroad 330/32 with 6x6 drive. Behind the cab there is a crane and the recovery unit is a BRO D203.

Some years ago I found on a model show two plastic bags with each 5 off-road tyres of the Revell Unimog kit. The first thing I thought was that I had to buy them because it was enough to build a 6x6 recovery truck one day. Last year I was in Norway and I spotted a similar recovery truck with a Bro recovery unit, only this one was a 4x4 drive. When I was at home I found the original BRO brochure of an export Iveco 330/32 6x6 with a Bro D2030. In short, plenty of inspiration for building this model. On the internet I’ve searched for drawings of the Iveco-Magirus and I found more then enough to use. I’ve printed it and copied it into the right scale.

To start the model I have used the DAF cab, and chassis, from the Italeri model No 781. This model has the same cabin as the Iveco/Magirus. Daf has bought the cabs from Magirus and used them for there NAT and NTT versions. Because it must be a 6x6 truck I had to raise the chassis. I have done this by changing the rear suspension by using heavier springs and other gusset plates. The front springs and the anchorages are also changed for heavier ones. Together the chassis was 5mm higher than the original chassis. To make a driven front axel I have used a differential of an Iveco rear axel. The rest of it is made by plastic profiles. In the middle of the chassis the gearbox is made to drive to front and rear axels. It’s made from two gearboxes out of the spare box.

After the chassis I started with the cab. Because the DAF cab stands higher on the chassis then the Iveco-Magirus cab I’ve lowered the anchorages. The rear cab mount is replaced by a new made one. The interior of the DAF cab is unchanged, except for the dual seat at the right and the entry steps. When the cab has his right position I could start to make the engine hood en the front mudguards. It’s made of 1mm plastic sheet. To make the grill I used two grills of an old Iveco turbo/star kit and made a border around it of a square plastic profile. At the both sides of the cab is mounted a air intake. These are made of plastic bar and at the top of it is made a cover of a button. During off-road driving it is possible to hit a tree or shrubs. Therefore I’ve made protection bars for the mirrors, indicators and the flashlights. On the roof I made a spotlight to give extra light beside the road.

The push bumper is a mixture of the bumper from the Italeri box 3808 and some homemade. The side panels with the headlight units are replaced by new ones. The new panels have headlight units of the Iveco turbo/star bumper. In the middle of the bumper I made a 3rd winch, a towbar, hooks etc. At the right side of the pushbar is also a 24V and 12V connection to use as a starter.

A big problem was the engine. The latest models had a V8 water-cooled engine of the Iveco turbo-star. But I could not find enough information to use this engine. So I have transformed a water-cooled V8 into an air-cooled V8. Therefore I have changed the cylinders, intake manifold, exhaust manifold, dynamo etc. Although it is not 100% accurate it is acceptable for me.

Behind the cab I have made an Italeri Effer crane. It is made out of the box except for the outriggers. They have to be longer because the off-road truck stands higher on his wheels. I also mounted oil hoses. These are made of electric wire.

The recovery unit is a BRO D2030 unit of the Italeri Mercedes kit 3808. To give enough room to the off-road tyres I have removed the original fenders and replaced them for square ones. These where made of 1mm sheet and the edges are made of 0,5mm sheet. The toolboxes are lowered at the front site so it will fit better to the cab. In this space is normally mounted an extra water or fuel tank, mostly in use by long-distance trucks. But an off-road truck needs no extra fuel tanks. Between the boxes (above the fenders) I’ve made an open box to store some wooden blocs, drawbar, hand tools, lightbar etc.
At the inside of the right toolbox I’ve mounted an extendable lightbar. Very useful by recovery work at the side of the road.

The standard mean arm of the recovery unit is to short to reach the ground at a 6x6 truck, therefore I’ve lengthened the lower part of the beam. The under reach is also lengthened so it can easier lift a bus. At the rear outriggers I’ve made extra hooks to connect chains, a pulley etc. Some extra 12V and 24V connections are made at the right mudguard and at the left side I’ve made an extra air connection. Above these connections I’ve made a reel with air hoses. Under the steps are extra working lights to give good visibility by lifting a wreck.

The orange colour and the red/white stripes at the four corners of the truck is typical for German road service trucks. Together with the German decals (partly from the Italeri 3808 and some home made) and the fact that it is an Iveco/Magirus, it is an typical German recovery truck from the late 80th and early 90th.

( I hope that I have used the right words to explain how I have build the model)

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Comments for this showroom

by: Erik Fontein ( on 2011-05-15 - 09:36

Hello Enrico,

Thenks for the compliments !!

by: Enrico Brunoni (Kmaleon) on 2011-05-13 - 22:49

Magnifico truck, an extraordinary work, congratulated...