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Nicholas.hazelton Showroom Favourites Login Register

Ferrari F1-2000, Japan Grand Prix 2000

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Ferrari F1-2000



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I was build my original Ferrari F1-2000 with clear bodywork with display glass case, on 2006, and F1-2000 with OOB

I brought my top studio conversion set kit and aftermarket straight front wing with decal Japanese Grand Prix 2000 version from Studio 27 set.

I brought my two books, What is you will looked this details, and I brought this expensive Ferrari Formula book with Ferrari F1-2000's details and photos, like one of Tamiya booklet on 1990's.

expensive price for worth about 60.00 GBP and reduced price 40.00 GBP with this Ferrari Formula 1 book, OH DEAR!, Very rare with this book

I agreed Mario Covalski, He brought this Top studio superdetail set
Yes, it was good details and real carbon fibres moulded resins inlet radiators boxes. and massive photo etches sets, and massive wiring set. It was very excited

You should looked this details with different versions with this F1-2000 on Grand Prix 2000.

I went to Donington circuit paddock for Ayrton Senna tribute 2004, and I found this 1/1 scale, real Ferrari F1-2000 in pit, and I tooks my photographs for this F1-2000. it was very excited

I have checked this both books and photograph pictures details on every times

I has sprayed all bodywork with Tamiya, bright red all over on since 2011, and I has repaired and re sprayed it on last November, and it was oldest job on now, and I need build this F1-2000.

You will views this Ferrari formula book from market at Donington on last decade. lots of details with good photographs

I painted gloss black with resin inlet radiator boxes and made carbon fibres black/gold decal and final paint with Tamiya smoke paint

I ready made Hi Di carbon fibre decal for transmission housing with engine assembly, and I will make all hi di CF decals with inlet trumpters and airbox lay out on further, and massive all suspension wishbones with Hi Di Carbon Fibres decals on several times

I have secret with my work progress with my Ferrari F1-2000 on this year, Hush!

I have finished my last old model Ferrari F1-2000 on last month, and I'm felt frustrated it and I have my massive problem

Phew!, I has had finished my Ferrari F1.2000

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All books and photos with superdetail set with bodywork
Ready to final finished with all bright red all over body works
Photograph pictures and techincial book 2000
Giorgio Piola, Formula 1 techinical analysis 2000 book
Ferrari Formula 1, under the skin of the championship winning F1-2000, By Peter Wright, David Bull published book
Good details and pictures with this book
Top views this Ferrari F1-2000 with glass display case
Resin real carbon fibres decal with Tamiya smoke covered with inlet radiator boxes
Finished, my model Ferrari F1-2000
Engine lay out with details
Bright red, Ferrari F1-2000

Comments for this showroom

by: Jose Antonio Solbes (jasolbes) on 2014-04-25 - 19:50

Excuse me for my curiosity, where are you from? I live in Mexico but I was born in Spain.

by: Nicholas Hazelton (Nicholas.hazelton) on 2014-04-25 - 15:05

Thanks, I have very hard worked my scale modelsport Hi Di carbon fibres with all transmission housing, and impact bar, and all suspensions on continued. I not used enter my clear F1-2000 for competition but exhibition display only. My Superdetail F1-2000 will finished on later because I'm afraid worked all massive carbon fibres decals and super details set

My Superdetail Ferrari F1-2000 will better than my clear F1-2000 with OOB
Jose, thanks for your comment about Ferrari F1-2000.

by: Jose Antonio Solbes (jasolbes) on 2014-04-25 - 13:18

A personal thought about finishing, DON'T use clear over the paint and decals; using clear is very much in fashion among modelers these days, but we must keep in mind that, competiotion cars never used this kind of finish, in the year 2000, even street cars used it very seldom (only in certain models) and finally, ALL the sponsor declas in an F1 car were vinyl "stickers", they didn't shine the way the paint underneath did. Just a thought.

by: Jose Antonio Solbes (jasolbes) on 2014-04-25 - 13:09

It looks like it's coming out quite well, losts of work to be done yet, excellent choice. Just curious about which wheels are you going to use.
