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1931 Fazer Nash TT

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This is a commission by the owner of the real vehicle. Obviously no kit exists or to my knowledge has ever existed of a Frazer Nash in large scale so it would have to be built from scratch.
One of the problems was that all of the bare metal on the real car is nickel silver and as every modeller knows, despite the amazing paints and finishes now available from Alclad and others – Only metal really looks like metal… Nickel silver, a slightly yellowish metal is available from photo etching suppliers and so each part of exposed metal had to be produced in this way. The radiator for example was drawn flat and when photo etched was then folded and soldered into the 3 dimensional radiator on the model.
All of the bright work, windscreen surround, radiator caps etc. were made up in the same way. I guess I spent around 200 hours producing the drawings for this model.
The rest of the model was built using resins and aluminium and the wheels were ‘borrowed’ from an old Airfix Bentley kit… I just couldn’t be bothered with hand lacing six wheels, life is too short!

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Frazer Nash TT Replica
The footwell minus the pedels
early days
front springs and steering box
test fitting the various parts
Finished rear end
Dashboard dials reproduced as transfers
The finished model...
and... The real car

Comentarios para este showroom

por: herbert miska (Hmiska) en 2014-05-30 - 15:50

Beautiful job - just the sort of vehicle I like to model, though I haven't done a Frazer Nash. I think there are not enough modelers building from scratch. Herb Miska

por: Mario Covalski (marioc) en 2014-05-30 - 10:22

Hi Roger, you got other masterpiece, I was wondering what you wouldn't build. Good job