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PatricioDelfosse Showroom Favoritos Identificarse Registrarse

AS-90 Braveheart Trumpeter 1/35 scale

Kit / Modelo  

British 155mm AS-90 SG Howitzer



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This kit is considered as one of the “nice †kits from Trumpeter, a brand that every day take more and more distance from their murky past, from crude copies of Tamiya’s kits.
When opening the box, we come across with parts to build both the short and long gun barrel’s versions (39 and 52 calibres), but actually, It’s only possible to model an As90 Braveheart, as it’s called the long barrel’s version since the travel lock and other details in the kit don’t match with the 39 calibre’s version.

This kit was released in 2002, before the Gulf War II, so, It’s hardly surprising that the kit in the box represents a vehicle seeing service in Kosovo and not in Irak.
This same kit was reissued by Hobbycraft Canada (Ref. 6004) but this time in Gulf War II version. It includes new decals (besides of the ones from Trumpeter).
According to my references, the only version used in this conflict was the 39 calibre’s.

Improving the kit
At first sight, this kit looks very complete and well detailed. Beyond the basic improvements and some minor correction, it´s ideal to bring an out of the box project.
The headlights guards were scratchbuilt from 1 mm and 0,7 mm wire. The ones coming with the kit are not bad but with flashes, so, it was easier for me to make new ones than cleaning up those flashes.

The full article can be found here:

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por: Alex Z. () en 2008-03-21 - 16:33

I am working on it right now. So far everything is in subassemblies (did I spell it right?). Will try to post some photos over this weekend, if not - as soon as I can (wife is due any time).

por: Eduardo Miguel Alzaga (Edu456) en 2008-03-20 - 18:05

Hey Alex please let me know where you have pictures of yours, I'm builduing it and it would be nice to see a different way to do this.

por: Patricio Delfosse (PatricioDelfosse) en 2008-03-20 - 14:51

I agree. The mesh is too thick, the Eduard's PE is better. Do you have pics of your model? Why not to post them here?

por: Alex Z. ( en 2008-03-20 - 13:48

I agree, this model is highly detailed, and one can built it straight out of the box. But all little parts/details are way to big to keep them "in scale". I used Eduard's PE. It has pretty much everything you need including way better mesh and grills for the engine.
I also replaced kit barrel with the metal one. Looks much better. I think metal barrels save you a lot of time and effort trying to make those plastic ones perfect.